标题:Apuntes en torno al uso de los arpones magdalenienses: primeras observaciones microscópicas a partir de los materiales de El Horno (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria)
出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:Three Magdalenian harpoons from El Horno Cave (Ramales, Cantabria) have been studied microscopically. The objective of the study was to identify marks on the surface of the harpoons susceptible of providing preliminary information about how they were used. In one case, the observations reveal that the harpoon was used on several occasions, perhaps to capture prey with a tougher skin than that of fish. The marks seen on the other two harpoons are compatible with the use of cord as part of the hafting method. We assess these observations within the current debate on the exact purpose of the harpoons, without disregarding the relationship between these weapons and fauna, another of the key points to be able to move forward in the debate. Statistical tests carried out with information available in Cantabrian Spain reveal that Magdalenian harpoons are not associated with any particular type of fauna.