标题:Consumo de metal durante la Prehistoria Reciente en el centro de la Península Ibérica. Una aproximación a través del análisis de los contextos funerarios en fosa
出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:This article is focused on the metal objects of the Chalcolithic and Bronze Age (3050-900 cal BC) documented in the Submeseta Norte and Campiña Madrileña, with special attention given to those found in pit graves. The aim of this paper is to assess whether these objects are linked with social inequalities, and, therefore, with hierarchical forms of political organization (as has been traditionally interpreted), or with kinship-based societies. For doing so, we have only used contextualized data, which have been analyzed with different statistical procedures. The results show a scarcity of metal objects, which, are also not connected with hierarchical social structures. Consequently, we propose, as an alternative explanation, the persistence of kinship-based societies during the analyzed period.
关键词:Metal objects;Pit graves;Kinship-based societies;Chalcolithic;Bronze Age;Submeseta Norte;Campiña Madrileña;Objetos metálicos;Enterramientos en fosa;Sociedades segmentarias;Calcolítico;Edad del Bronce;Submeseta Norte;Campiña Madrileña