标题:La tecnología cerámica de los niveles IV y III en el yacimiento de Kobaederra (Cortézubi, Bizkaia). Aprovisionamiento y modificación de las materias primas
出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:The technological study of ceramic materials requires the application of archaeometric analytical techniques to approach both their mineralogy and chemical composition, with the aim of identifying steps in their production sequence. This paper presents the technological analysis of the Neolithic pottery documented in the lower levels of the Kobaederra site (Cortézubi, Bizkaia) on the basis of their mineralogical (petrography and X-ray diffraction, XRD) and geochemical (SEM-EDS) analysis. Its goal is to discriminate the possible areas of raw materials supply and their modification through the addition of tempers. Finally, the implications of the results in relation to the rest of available archaeological evidences from the IV and the III levels of the Kobaederra site are discussed.
关键词:Pottery;Neolithic;Iberian Peninsula;Archaeometry;Manufacturing process;Technology;Temper;Grog;Calcite;Flint;Cerámica;Neolítico;Península Ibérica;Arqueometría;Secuencia de manufactura;Tecnología;Desgrasante;Chamota;Calcita;Sílex