出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:We present five radiocarbon dates for the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age phases of Las Lunas (Yuncler, Toledo) site. Three of them correspond to the initial moments of the settlement –which is associated with an important bronze hoard– and another two to the final moments of the prehistoric occupation of the village. The coincidence of the first three dates allow us to place fairly accurately the bronze hoard in the mid-tenth century BC, providing interesting information for the study of long-distance contacts in the centre of the Iberian Peninsula during this period. The set of dating evidence shows the existence of large sites in a cultural horizon after Cogotas I and before the Early Iron Age. This horizon is virtually unknown in the region.
关键词:Iberian Peninsula;Precolonial horizon;Southern Iberian Meseta;Late Bronze Age;Early Iron Age;Metallic Hoards;Fibula;Earthen architecture;Radiocarbon;C-14;Península Ibérica;Horizonte precolonial;Meseta Sur;Bronce Final;Hierro I;Depósitos metálicos;Fíbula;Arquitectura de tierra;Radiocarbono;C14