首页    期刊浏览 2024年06月17日 星期一


  • 标题:Peters y España: edición musical y relaciones comerciales entre 1868 y 1892
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  • 作者:M. Carmen García Mallo
  • 期刊名称:Anuario Musical
  • 印刷版ISSN:1988-4125
  • 出版年度:2005
  • 卷号:0
  • 期号:60
  • 页码:115-167
  • 语种:Spanish
  • 出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
  • 摘要:Through the study of one case in particular this article wishes to contribute to adding to the knowledge concerning the importation of printed music in Spain from 1868 to 1892. The case in point refers to the commercial relations that existed during the above period between the German Editorial, Peters , and certain Spanish editors then in business. The material in question consists of nineteen documents -sixteen letters, two order lists and a steamship dispatch certificate- addressed mostly to Peters by five editors and a Spanish musical association, all of which are currently conserved in a well known Leipzig Archive: the Sächsisches Staatsarchiv Leipzig . Reading and analyzing the said documents introduces us to subject matter which, although it has been studied before, enshrouds many unanswered questions: through what channels was foreign music introduced, what means of payment were employed and what manner of repertory was requested? The answer to these questions will give us an idea of the tastes prevalent during that period as well as the commercial outlets utilized, etc.