摘要:As a rule, under naturally operating conditions, especiallyin a closed environment, the product (understoodin a general sense) cannot grow at equal rate. Itis particularly obvious in a closed system maintaininglimited resources necessary for the support of the concreteproduct’s growth. In such a system, an initial rateof the product’s increase gradually diminishes until itsconsiderable decline and total cessation. Therefore, tomodel such a system, the differential equation of thegrowth of the population should be supplied with thefactor expressing a straightly decreasing function.Hence the logistic model of accumulation is achieved.Meanwhile, the exponential function remains a specialcase in the model.Sometimes it is reasonable to equate both the logisticand exponential functions. Then the coefficients ofequivalence between the logistic and the exponentialgrowth should be worked out.The article presents a simplified way of the calculationof the regression coefficients of logistic equationwith the use of the lowest square method. The paperoffers the logistic regression equation of the gross domesticproduct of the Republic of Lithuania, which isequated with an analogical exponential equation.