摘要:This study aims to find out a conceptual model for the diffusion of a policy, adoption determinant factors, and a research method for the gender mainstreaming diffusion. This study employed the phenomenological qualitative approach involving the members of Fatayat NU in Yogyakarta Special Territory. The data were collected through in-depth interviews using theme triangulation. The data were analyzed using the Interpretive Phenomenology Analysis (IPA) and Event History Analysis (EHA). The research findings show that that the conceptual model for the diffusion of a policy in individuals is applied through the stages of knowledge, persuasion, confirma-tion, decision, and implementation. The adoption of the gender mainstreaming policy in individuals is determined by internal factors, including the individual’s backgrounds, the innovative-ness in accordance with the individual’s needs, and the individual’s active behaviors, and by external factors, including the availability of information sources and channels, member groups, and reference groups. A study on the diffusion of a policy in individuals describes a very complex mental process that needs interdisciplinary studies involving a variety of sciences.Keywords: gender mainstreaming, diffusion, adoption, policy, research method