摘要:We must not be surprised that, after many years of silence and oblivion, the clown is back on the scene and withrenewed vigor.In an era of “enlightened” mankind (to evoke a concept dear to Fellini), where the strength and the pride of “blindhaughty intelligence” dominate in many areas of the human condition, the clown has reappeared with his “absenceof sense” along with his humbleness to enable us to accept our modesty and daily failings.For many years now the clown has moved outside the circus itself to reach the streets and squares of the world andinto places our civilization often struggles to reach.Clowning is essentially based on certain fundamental elements: corporeity, play, the awareness of our frailties,exaltation of diversity, humbleness and self - mockery.The body of the clown is a body “recognized”, trained to express the full range of human emotions and it may bedescribed as both “emotional” and “hyperemotional”.