摘要:Bernardi BB, Schoenfeld BJ, Alves RC, Urbinati KS, McAnulty SR,Souza Junior TP. Acute Supplementation with Beetroot Juice DoesNot Enhance Exercise Performance among Well-trained Athletes: ARandomized Crossover Study. JEPonline 2018;21(3):1-12. The aim ofthis study was to examine the effect of acute supplementation withbeetroot juice on power during repeated sprints. Ten well-trainedcompetitive mixed martial arts athletes (mean ± SD: age 24.9 ± 4.6yrs, height 1.77 ± 0.06 m, body mass 79.29 ± 10.07 kg), familiar withintense intermittent exercise, volunteered to take part in this study. Thesubjects completed a high-intensity intermittent cycling test duringseparate 7-d supplementation periods with beetroot juice (9.3 mmoL ofNO3-) and a placebo group consuming blackcurrant juice (0.0024mmol of NO3-). The subjects completed 20 all-out 6-sec sprintsinterspersed with 24 sec of recovery (20 × 6 sec). There was nodifference between conditions for relative peak power (supplement10.54 ± 0.62 W/kg vs. placebo 10.52 ± 0.48 W/kg; P>0.05). Similarly,there was no difference between conditions for relative mean power(supplement 7.88 ± 0.38 W/kg vs. placebo 7.74 ± 0.48 W/kg, P>0.05).The results indicate that beetroot juice does not acutely benefit highintensityintermittent exercise protocols.