摘要:Gomes RLM, Diniz RR, Silva-Filho AC, Dias CJ, Soares-JuniorNJS, Silva SMM, Albuquerque ESA, Almeida AERAF, ScapiniKB, Moraes OA, Rodrigues B, Mostarda CT. Effect of RegularWheelchair Basketball Practice on Autonomic Modulation and SleepQuality of Spinal Cord Injured Subjects. JEPonline 2018;21(3):46-57. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect ofwheelchair basketball practice in spinal cord injured subjects onautonomic modulation and sleep quality in 28 male wheelchairusers. Subjects consisted of 12 healthy controls, 8 sedentarywheelchair users, and 8 wheelchair basketball players. Heart ratevariability measurements (HRV) were carried out at rest. Thewheelchair basketball group showed increased heart rate variabilitywhen compared to the sedentary wheelchair group, and,surprisingly, no difference was found when comparing basketballwheelchair and healthy controls subjects. The basketball practice didnot influence the subjects’ sleep quality. Thus, the findings indicatethat basketball practice in patients with spinal cord injury causessignificant improvement in HRV.