摘要:Antonio J, Ellerbroek A. Case Reports on Well-Trained Bodybuilders:Two Years on a High Protein Diet. JEPonline 2018;21(1):14-24. Thepurpose of these case studies was to further assess 5 subjects whoconsumed a high protein diet over an additional 12-month period (for atotal of 2 yrs) in order to determine if there were any adverse effects onkidney or liver function. Five healthy resistance trained men (mean ±SD; age 30 ± 5 yrs; height 177.9 ± 5.5 cm) volunteered to consume ahigh protein diet (>2.2 g·kg-1·d-1) over another 1-yr period. They hadpreviously participated in a 1-yr high protein diet study. The subjectscame to the lab every 6 months to assess body composition via theBod Pod®. Body mass, fat mass, lean body mass (LBM), and body fatpercentage were ascertained. The subjects provided dietary selfreportsvia the MyFitnessPal® mobile app at least 3 times·wk-1. Noother instructions were given. All subjects were provided proteinpowder so they could attain their protein intake goals. A comprehensivemetabolic panel was done in a fasted state at a local Quest Diagnosticsfacility every 6 months. The findings indicate that 2 yrs of a high proteindiet in healthy resistance trained men had no effect on measures ofbody composition as well as liver or kidney function. Thus, there is noevidence to suggest that consuming a high protein diet over a 2-yrperiod causes any harmful side effects.