摘要:Mazini Filho ML, Savoia RP, Castro JBP, Moreira OC, VenturiniGRO, Curty VM, Ferreira MEC. Effects of Hypnotic Induction onMuscular Strength in Men with Experience in Resistance Training.JEPonline 2018;21(1):52-61. The purpose of this study was toinvestigate the effects of hypnotic induction (HI) on the absolutestrength of men trained in resistance training through the onerepetitionmaximum (1RM) test, and verify the number of repetitionsmaximum (NRM) with the 1RM load collected in the test without HI.Twelve men were submitted to three tests: (a) 1RM test without HI;(b) 1RM test with HI; and (c) NRM test with HI using the load of thefirst test. The performance in the 1RM test with HI was significantlyhigher than the performance in this test without HI. There was astatistically significant difference between the post-hypnosis NRMtest with the same load of the 1RM test without HI when comparedto the NRM test without hypnosis intervention. This study showedthat the HI can be an important tool in increasing muscle strength inthe 1RM test and the NRM test in trained men.