摘要:Peacock CA, Sanders GJ, Antonio J, Silver TA. The Reporting ofa Multifaceted Mixed Martial Arts Strength and ConditioningProgram. JEPonline 2018;21(1):86-90. With the recent increase inpopularity of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), it is imperative to assess theeffectiveness of strength and conditioning (S&C) modalities whileencouraging other S&C professionals to do so as well. There isminimal literature evaluating the role of S&C, and even less literatureevaluating the role of the traditional mixed martial art, Tai Chi (TC)as it applies to MMA. Twelve professional MMA athletes were testedon balance, flexibility, and power following a 6-wk S&C program thatincluded TC in the form of a cool-down. The data suggestedimprovements (P≤0.05) in both balance (Balance Error ScoringSystem, BESS) and flexibility (sit and reach) following the 6-wk blockof MMA S&C in adjunct with TC.