摘要:Zarattini JA, Motta-Santos D, Abreu EAC, Costa HA, CarvalhoGL, Mendes TT, Rabelo AS. Lead Climb Induces Higher Heart RateResponses Compared to the Top Rope in Intermediate andAdvanced Climbers. JEPonline 2018;21(1):102-111. The purpose ofthis study was the determination of the subjects’ heart rate (HR)responses and total rock climbing time in two types of climbing. Tenintermediate to advanced rock climbers climbed two tracks in twosessions using the Top rope and Lead styles of ascent. During thesessions, the climbing speed was auto-selected. The subjects’ HR inpre-climbing, climbing, and post-climbing situations, in addition to thetotal climbing time in each of the tracks was recorded. Significantlyhigher mean HR (P=0.001) and maximum HR responses (P=0.005)were observed during Lead (HR: 146 ± 13 beats·min-1, HR max: 162± 14 beats·min-1) compared to Top rope (HR: 139 ± 13 beats·min-1and maximum HR: 157 ± 16 beats·min-1) style climbing. The totalclimbing time was statistically higher (P=0.02) when using the Lead(357 ± 133 sec) compared to the Top rope (299 ± 122 sec) style ofascent. Thus, the findings indicate that intermediate and advancedlevel climbers presented a higher HR and increased climbing timeusing the Lead compared to the Top rope style of ascent in rockclimbing.