摘要:Silva GF, Almeida AR, Rodrigues SA, Szmuchrowski LA,Silva RAD, Drummond MDM. The Acute Effect of a SportSpecificStretching Routine on the Performance of VerticalJumps in Rhythmic Gymnasts. JEPonline 2018;21(2):30-39.The purpose of this study was to investigate the acute effectof a specific flexibility training session on the height of acountermovement jump (CMJ) in Rhythmic Gymnastics (RG)Athletes. The subjects in this study were 13 female athleteswith a mean age of 14.5 ± 2.43 yrs. After familiarization withthe CMJ, the subjects performed the two evaluation sessionswith a 48-hr interval between the two sessions. The athletesperformed the CMJ tests without and with a predeterminedstretch routine, which had pre-defined parameters specific tothe modality. The results demonstrated a significant reductionin the height of the vertical jumps in the second session,compared to the first session (P=0.0001). Therefore, themodality-specific stretching protocol that was used generatedan acute negative effect on the athletes’ CMJ performance.