摘要:Fiuza AG, Pescatello LS, Monteiro ER, Chaves E, Araújo GS,Lourenço EM, Mansur HN, Silva MS, Novaes JS. Water Exercisehas Less Sympathetic Modulation in Pregnant Women of ThirdTrimester Compared to Treadmill Exercise. JEPonline 2018;21(4):150-161. This study compared the acute effect of the autonomicmodulation in pregnant women during their third trimester whenperforming a walk protocol in water and on a treadmill. Twenty-fourpregnant women were separated into three groups: walking waterexercise (WEG), treadmill exercise (TEG), and non-exercise group(CG). In the intragroup baseline comparison, the high frequency(HF) decreased during the exercise of the WEG and the TEGprotocol, while the low frequency (LF) increased during the WEGand TEG protocol exercise. In the comparison between exercise andpost-exercise recovery, a significant increase of the LF in the WEGprotocol was found for Post-15, Post-30, Post-45, and Post-60. TheTEG protocol showed a significant increase for Post-30 and Post-45.In contrast, the HF significantly decreased during the WEG protocolwhen compared to Post-15 and Post-30 and during the TEG protocolwhen compared to Post-30 and Post-45. In conclusion, thesympathetic modulation in the water was lower in relation to theresults of the exercise performed on the treadmill with pregnantwomen in the third trimester.