摘要:Silveira MB, Scudese E, Senna GW, Ferreira AP, Dantas EHM,Ribeiro LCP, Alvares AFH, Guedes PG. Microbial Contaminationin Shaker Bottles among Members of Fitness Centers. JEPonline2018;21(4):134-142. The purpose of this was to analyze thepresence of different bacterial strains and to determine resistance toantimicrobials in used bottles (UB) from the members of fitnesscenters and new non-used bottles (NUB). A total of 60 shakers (30UB and 30 NUB) were selected and submitted to microbiologicalanalysis. The samples were collected through Swabs containingStuart's medium and delivered to the laboratory. Gram staining andbiochemical tests were performed for the identification ofmicroorganisms and antimicrobial susceptibility. The Cochran Q testpresented significant difference (P=0.001) in contamination status(UB vs. NUB). All the NUB tests showed 100% absence ofcontamination while 90% of the UB showed bacterial contamination.For the 60 samples investigated, we were able to isolate six speciesof different microorganisms. It is important to note that 16.6% had nobacterial growth. The antibacterial susceptibility test revealed avaried range of resistance profile. In conclusion, six pathogenicmicroorganisms were isolated from poorly sanitized bottleshighlighting that the post-use hygiene must be made appropriately toavoid the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.