摘要:Nascimento RL, Moreira SR, Carneiro MVO, Numata Filho ES,Oliveira RA, Lirani LS. Effect of Resistance Training and Red WineIntake on Lipid Profile in Mice. JEPonline 2018;21(1):112-121. It isbelieved that resistance training and moderate intake of red wine areassociated with improvement of health. The purpose of this studywas to verify the effect of resistance training and red wine intake onthe lipid and glycemic profile in rats divided into the control group(CG, n = 20), wine group (WG, n = 20), exercise group (EG, n = 20),and the wine and exercise group (WEG, n = 20). The rats trained for8 wks on a vertical ladder at an 80º slope 3 times·wk-1. The ingestionof wine occurred every day. Body mass of the groups increasedsignificantly at week 8 vs. week 1 (P<0.05). The findings indicatethat LDL was decreased in the WEG compared to the EG (P<0.05),HDL was increased in the EG and the WEG compared to the CG(P<0.01), total cholesterol increased in the EG relative to the CG,WG, and the WEG (P<0.05), triglyceride was decreased in the WEGat (P<0.01, week 4 and P<0.05 week 8), and glycemia wasdecreased in the WEG relative to the CG (P<0.05). Resistancetraining and red wine consumption may help reduce the risk of heartdisease by improving lipid profile.
关键词:Lipids;Muscle Mass;Obesity;Resistance Training