摘要:AbstractEven though the term “race” is of a questionable value, its importance comes from the fact that it is a social construction, which means it has some “objective” substance. The concept of “racial relations” is often determined not only through a procedure of phenotypical characteristics, but also by their social usage as distinctive characteristics of the members of a social group. Also, in the past, there was confusion between race and nation. All nations consider themselves “nations of blood” and traditionally grant the national citizenship only to people who can claim that they “racially” belong to this nation. In our paper, we focus on the degree that six grade students of the Greek public primary school comprehend the term “race”, as is taught in the primary school through the courses of History and Social and Political Education. The sample of research comprehend the term “race” as a complex notion, on which the historic description, analysis and interpretation is built an organisational structure that embodies its historical angle and, the same time, reflects its context in time and space.
关键词:Race;Common origin;National identity;Stereotype;Cultural elements