摘要:Sequences of two words can involve sandhi phenomena in French; for instance, a final coda œnsonant can be re-syllabified into the onset of the following word e.g. “cher” /SER/ + /ami/ à/SE.Ra.mi/,dearfriend) or a latent consonant might be produced at the juncture of the two words in the surfece £)rm ^liaison enchaînée9^.%. 66 grand^/gRa/)/ + /ami/ a/gRa.ta.mi/). In healthy subjects the production of sequences involving sandhi phenomena incurred an additional proœssing time compared to control sequences; in addition, re-syllabified consonants had diferent aœustic properties than word-initial œnsonants (Bagou, Michel & Laganaro, 2009)• Here we investigate whether sequences involving sandhi phenomena elicit additional errors in aphasie patients presenting with impaired phonological and/or phonetic encoding.