摘要:Semantic dementia (SD), the fluent subtype of primary progressive aphasia, is characterized by loss of semantic knowledge reflected in poor word comprehension and retrieval. In recent years, a number of treatment approaches for SD have been published, including errorless-learning (EL), a method preventing making errors when learning information. In this study, we utilized EL while comparing the benefits of semantic versus phonological cues for naming in two patients with SD. Our previous interventions in SD showed that patients benefitted from semantically-based treatment. It is unclear, however, whether participants relearned and retained conceptual information about words, or just remembered phonological/orthographic word forms via fest-mapping (made possible by relatively spared episodic memory). Our current hypothesis is that if success in naming therapy in SD is achieved via the-fest-mapping process, then both semantic and phonological cues should be equally successfiil, with a possible advantage for the phonological approach. IÇ however, improvement can only be accomplished via reinstatement of conceptual features of words, the semantic approach should result in higher naming accuracy than the phonological approach.