摘要:The Malaysian Vision 2020 as propagated by the ex Prime Minister stipulated among its challenges the respect towards freedom of its people to practice their own religion and culture. The indigenous group still maintain their own way of life although government efforts have been extended to assimilate them into the mainstream. This study examined the responses of lecturers and university students towards the preservation of the endangered languages belonging to the indigenous community in Malaysia namely theBateqcommunity. Thirty students attending the Learner Diversity Course at the undergraduate level at the Faculty of Education Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia were involved in a focus group interview session. The focus groups consisted of five groups. Ten lecturers teaching undergraduate courses were also involved. The Preservation of Endangered Language Questionnaire (PELQ) was used to guide the discussion .The reasons for the preservation of endangered languages are (a) propagation of One Malaysia and vision 2020, (b) death of the indigenous people, (c) diversity in Malaysia,(d) promotion of inclusivity, (e) cultural heritage and identity, (f) multiculturalism, (g) political-social stability, (h) creativity and expression and (i) globalization effects. While the barriers to preservation of endangered languages are (a) the majority versus minority issue, (b) ignorance or lack of knowledge of the indigenous groups, (c) physical inaccessibility and (d) lack of Input from the indigenous groups. The findings indicated high agreement on the need to preserve endangered languages of the ethnic minority in Malaysia. Policy makers and implementers need to develop educational and social programs to enhance the use of endangered languages through the curriculum and the co-curriculum. The findings suggest a more comprehensive holistic approach from the micro to the macro level.