摘要:This study aims is to make a comparative analysis between the perceived roles of teachers-mentors for pedagogical practice and the roles that should be exercised in the future, in the view of the beneficiaries (students). It also seeks a comparison of results obtained with the mentor-teacher competence's profile mentioned in the law. In order to achieve the task we proposed to our students the following six teaching roles identified by H. Morine & G. Morine: information provider, model behavior, creator of learning situation, adviser and oriented, evaluator and therapist, organizer and leader. The study was conducted on a sample of 40 students from the Faculty of Computer Science from Politehnica University of Timisoara. Over two semesters they have benefited from the guidance of mentor-teachers regarding pedagogical practice in a high school field from Timisoara. The results are meant to be relevant for the harmonization of demand – offer in the training of future students-teachers, capture the dynamic demands of roles while exercising, but may be also included in quality management, quality training programs for prospective mentor-teachers.
关键词:roles of the mentor-teacher;specific activities;esential features;expected roles;teacher-students;mentoring process