摘要:AbstractTransformational leadership mintage was beaten by Town for the first time. However, the first concept of transformational leadership was offered by Burns (1978) in his descriptive researches about political leaders and eventually, Bass shifted changing leadership approach from political area to organizational ambit. We are focusing on transformational leadership because transformational leaders cause change in the organizations. Instability and complexity may decrease the ability of anticipation of the environment and they might affect the kind of leadership which is going to appear in the organization. As for the need of creating fundamental change in administrative system and the affective role of leadership and management in these changes, considering the characteristics of transformational leadership and the effect of it in organizational results is very important in our administrative organizations. The goal of this paper is considering the senior managers leadership method in Tehran Collective Security Organization, according to Bass transformational model. Moreover, in this paper, a multi-stage questionnaire of leadership has been used.