摘要:Proficient bilinguals who switch languages in conversation (code-switching) consistently select the language according to the speaker, topic and context, and show grammatically regular patterns of code-switching. Robust crosslinguistic evidence exists of code-switching between a lexical noun phrase subject and grammatically-inflected verb (e.g. 'La femme eats the applet but not between a pronoun subject and inflected verb (*'Elle eats the applet (e.g. Timm 1975). Bilingual (and multilingual) individuals with aphasia present with varied patterns of impairment in each language. Language-selection can be impaired in bilingual aphasia (Aglioti & Fabbro 1993), however, whether grammatical impairment of code-switching occurs remains unclear. This study tested for grammatical impairment of code-switching and whether grammatically-impaired code-switching and impaired language-selection occur concurrently.