摘要:Successful sentence comprehension requires processing of information associated with the verb, i.e. the number and type of arguments, which are automatically activated during sentence processing. Both ^IRI and ERP studies implicate posterior perisylvian regions for argument stmcture processing (Thompson et al., 2007); with ERP studies showing distinct bipolar N400/P600 patterns (Frisch, Hahne, & Friederici, 2004). The N400 has been associated with stmcture building based on semantic information, whereas the P600 is thought to reflect syntactic reanalysis processes. Many agrammatic aphasie speakers show impaired production of verbs with greater argument structure density. The extent to which these individuals also show argument structure deficits during comprehension, however, is unclear. Some studies find normal access to verb arguments (e.g. in lexical decision tasks, Shapiro et al., 1993); whereas, others report impaired ability (e.g. in grammaticality judgments, Finkel & Grodzinsky, 1998). The present study further investigates argument structure processing by examining ERPs and acceptability judgments in response to argument structure violations in healthy adults and agrammatic aphasie individuals.