摘要:While morphological processing has been actively studied in the morphosyntax errors in agrammatism, the independence of morphological processing from syntactic and phonological processing has been an area of debate in single-word production. Specifically, it has been claimed that morphological effects can be reduced to phonological effects (e.g., Braber et al., 2005), while others claim that morphological processes can operate independently (e.g., Badecker & Caramazza, 1991). The current investigation presents a new case study examining an aphasie individual’s productions on reading lists that orthogonally vary morphological and phonological complexity. It reveals clear effects of morphological complexity that are distinct from phonological complexity, by comparing homophones differing in morphological complexity (e.g., praise vs. prays; lox vs. locks;. These data reveal a deficit in morphological processing distinct from other levels of language processing; thus, they support the claim that morphological processing may operate independently and may be selectively impaired following brain damage.