摘要:Though Paul Broca and Pierre Marie both had a considerable impact on the study of aphasia, the contributions of the latter have received less attention in current models of language production. Pierre Marie (1906) believed that the speech production deficits associated with anterior lesions arose entirely from subcortical damage in the “quadrilateral space”(QS) that included the lenticular nucleus, the insula and deep, underlying white matter. He and his student, François Moutier (1908),presented numerous cases of Broca’s aphasia without lesions to Broca’s area or cases of Broca^ area lesions without what we would call Broca^ aphasia. Today, modem neuroimaging allows us to revisit the contributions of Broca’s area and the QS in producing speech and language deficits. We have seen that Broca’s aphasia can indeed arise from lesions to the QS while sparing Broca’s area,and that chronic, persisting Broca’s aphasia almost always requires the involvement of these deep structures.