摘要:AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to propose and validation a program for development of methodological competences in beginning teachers. In order to undertake the research there were established next objectives: elaborating, validating and pre-testing the instruments for experimental model; the final evaluation of methodological competences; establishing the formative activities for competences development and the final evaluation of methodological competences. In our research there are utilized the psycho-pedagogical experiment and statistical methods. The statistical data of experimental research indicate significant differences between the results obtained by beginning teachers at the evaluation tests of final stage, compared with those obtained in the initial stage. The research results contribute to highlighting the role of the training strategies on the development of methodological competences in beginning teachers.** This work was supported by CNCSIS –UEFISCSU, project number 834/ 2009 PNII – IDEI code 496/ 2008 “MODECOMP – Operational model of the development of professional competences in beginning teachers”.