摘要:AbstractKnowledge transfer as the process gets a huge emphasis on organization leaders because it is understood that knowledge sharing affects knowledge creation, organizational learning and organizational performance[23]. Knowledgetransferas a researchsubjecthas longattractedinterest fromscientistsand practitioners. Thus,traditional organizationsandtheirleadershave a numberof tools whichallow foruninterrupteddissemination as a technical-technologicalbase,a varietyof learningmethods etc.However,the creativeorganization with themostknowledgeare hidden, is facing challengesin order tomake this process sustainable. This article aims to analyze and examine how leaders make an impact on knowledgetransfer increative organizationandprovidesuggestionson how to ensurethe sustainability of this process. Carried out a quantitative analysis revealed two main problems - the direct leadership impact on knowledge transfer is weak. Second,there is noformaldissemination of knowledge,which isone of the mainbodiesof knowledgeimprovement ofsecuritymeasures.The assessment of theproblemsidentified inthe diffusion of knowledge, has been drafting proposals tothe leadersof creativeorganizations.