摘要:AbstractLiterature on Quality of Work Life (QWL) is limited and several studies commonly correlates with some variables but no study on QWL has associated with work engagement. This research investigates the association between quality of work life and work engagement. The objectives of this study are: (a) to investigate and determine relationships between QWL and work engagement; (b) to compare the work engagement of blue collar employees and white collar employees; (c) to compare the QWL perceptions of blue collar employees and white collar employees in a large sized Turkish marble firm toward this topic. In this context, study conducted in a marble factory in Burdur which is one of the greatest export firm of Turkey. Results showed that there was significant relations between dimension of QWL and work engagement. Accordingly; (a) QWL affect work engagement; (b) work engagement level of blue-collar employees differentiates from white-collar employees; (c) blue collar employees’ perceptions of QWL differentiates from white collar employees.