摘要:AbstractThis study aims to determine metacognitive skill levels and usage of learning strategies of preservice chemistry teachers and to examine the effect of different metacognitive skill levels on their usage of learning strategies. 46 preservice chemistry teachers of Hacettepe University Faculty of Education, Department of Chemistry Education participated in the study. The preservice chemistry teachers were applied Metacognitive Activities Inventory (MCA-I) which was developed by Cooper and Sandi-Urena (2009) and adapted into Turkish by Temel, Dinçol and Yılmaz (2011) to determine their metacognitive skill levels. Also Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) which was developed by Pintrich, Smith, Garcia and McKeachie (1991) and adapted into Turkish by Büyüköztürk, Akgün, Özkahveci and Demirel (2004) was applied to determine their usage of learning strategies. It was concluded that preservice chemistry teachers’ level in the usage of cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies is well but any significant difference was not found between the usage of both cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies of the preservice chemistry teachers, who were divided into groups depending on different metacognitive skill levels.