摘要:AbstractThe aim of this study is to examine the relationship between the university students’ rejection sensivities, self-esteems and loneliness levels. Furthermore, their rejection sensivities, self-esteems and loneliness levels are examined according to gender. The sample of this study consists of 1149 university students. Rejection Sensivity Scale (RSS), Coopersmith Self-esteem Inventory (CSEI), Loneliness Scale (UCLA) were used in the study. Pearson Moment Correlation, t Test, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis were used for the data analysis. As a result of study, there is significant relationship between rejection sensivities, self-esteem and loneliness level. According to findings, the students who have high rejection sensivity, have low self-esteem and high loneliness level as well. There is difference of rejection sensitivity, self-esteem and loneliness on male and female students.