摘要:AbstractTeachers should respect each teaching principles (seven) including academic teaching: The principle of active and conscious learning (P1), The intuition principle (the correlation between sensory - rational, concrete - abstract) (P2), The principle of accessibility and respect for age and individual peculiarities (P3), The principle of linking theory to practice (P4), The principle of sustainable knowledge, skills and abilities (P5), The principle of systematic and continuity learning (P6), The principle of feedback (P7).Which of these principles have a higher weight in academic teaching in the technical field? For this we used a questionnaire and a representative sample of students from nine faculties of the,Politehnica” University of Timisoara. Their answers indicate how students perceive teaching in relation to the dimensions stated. We can also see the variability of teaching principles within each nine field of study and the regularity of some principles.