摘要:Recent work with neurologically-intact speakers suggests that errorfiil states associated with word retrieval failuresuch as tip-of-the-tongue (TOT , where the concept is recognized but the word is temporarily unavailable) may belearned (Warriner & Humphreys, 2008). Specifically, allowing speakers to remain in a TOT state for a long rather thana short time increases the likelihood of experiencing a TOT again on the same item. In treatment research on namingimpairments in aphasia, treatments that allow participants to experience anomia and other errorful states (i.e., errorfultreatments) do not suffer in comparison to errorless treatments. However, it is not clear from prior work whether errorlearning deleteriously impacts treatment gains because in errorful treatments, error learning effects may be offset bybenefits from retrieval practice. That is, errorful treatments may be more likely than errorless treatments to capitalizeon the beneficial learning that can result when participants are given repeated opportunities to retrieve targetinformation from long-term memory, thus masking error learning effects. This work constitutes an originalinvestigation of the psychological reality of error learning in speakers with aphasia while controlling for retrievalpractice effects. Whether error learning may be mediated by type of retrieval strategy was also investigated.