摘要:The nature of grammatical class effects that characterize the aphasic patients’ production is a long-debated issuein neurolinguistics, particularly in relation to the study of verb-noun dissociations. Semantic accounts have beenproposed (e.g., Bird et al., 2003), as verbs happen to be characterized by lower imageability in comparison to nouns.However, the complexity of the inflectional paradigm is an additional confounding variable, which has been mostlyoverlooked in literature. In fact, in highly inflected languages like French or Italian verbs have much more complexparadigms than nouns, with a larger number of possible word forms. The actual predictability of the inflectionalparadigm can be measured in terms of inflectional entropy - a variable incorporating family size and formfrequencies -, which has been shown to predict the aphasic patients' performance (Van Ewijk & Avrutin, 2011).