摘要:Unaccusative verbs are more difficult to produce in both agrammatic (Thompson, 2003) and fluent aphasia(McAllister, Bachrach, Waters, Michaud, & Caplan, 2009) than unergative verbs. Transitivity affects verb retrieval inagrammatic aphasia (Thompson, 2003), whereas it does not seem to affect verb production in semantic dementia(henceforth SD) (Thompson et al., 2012). Koukoulioti, Stavrakaki, Ioannidis, & Tsirka, (2010) report unaccusativityeffect for 5 stroke aphasic patients with fluent aphasia and transitivity effect for 1 SD participant. The present studyaims at further investigating the performance of stroke aphasic and SD patients in producing unergative,unaccusative and transitive verbs.