摘要:Sixty-one aphasic patients (mean age 64.2 years (sd: 12.9; range: 28 - 96); mean education, 15.3 years (sd: 3.2;range: 7 - 22); M:F = 44:17) and forty-six age and education matched controls (mean age 64.2 years sd: 11.3; (range:38 - 87); mean education, 16.3 years (sd: 2.3; range: 8- 28); M:F = 20:26) were tested for the ability to parse andinterpret passives, object extracted clefts, object extracted relative clauses, and sentences with reflexives andpronouns and for the ability to combine operations by presenting sentences with relative clauses and either areflexive or a pronoun. Subjects were tested in object manipulation (OM) and picture matching (SPM) tasks, thelatter with both whole sentence (Full SPM) and self-paced listening (auditory moving windows — AMW-SPM)presentation conditions, using digitized computer-delivered auditory stimuli. Accuracy and end-of-sentence reactiontime in Full SPM and AMW-SPM were measured. Twenty examples of each sentence type were presented.