摘要:AbstractIn their research the authors focused on functioning of mechanisms of self-regulated learning in students of helping professions at Tomas Bata University in Zlín. They examined which cognitive and non-cognitive determinants play a key role in the process of developing self-regulation. They also looked into how and under what conditions the determinants are transformed into skills necessary for one's own learning management. Due to nature of the presented issue the researchers chose a qualitative research strategy. They chose the focus group technique out of possible research techniques, which is among the most progressive ones. The researchers built a focus group composed of seven respondents on the basis of an intentional selection. The grounded theory method was chosen as a method to analyse the date obtained. The method involves searching for a “substantive” theory concerning a defined population, environment or period. It was applied in accordance with Strauss and Corbin. The obtained data were transcribed and processed using open and axial coding. In the course of open coding 32 open codes were abstracted, amalgamated into eight categories and classified in three areas (motivation, cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies). The authors gripped the emerged codes and categories with their dimensions as the founding stones of a new emerging theory. Two cyclic al models crystallised. The first one describes the mechanisms of choosing a study field and the second one depicts mechanisms leading to the development of self-regulated learning in students. Both models were subsequently united into a third model covering the mechanisms leading to the development of self-regulated learning in students of helping professions. The findings serve as clear evidence that success in learning depends on motivation which is markedly influenced by a suitable choice of a study field/future profession along with fulfilled expectations which become a significant motivation factor. A motivated student then actively regulates the process of his/her learning. In the course of learning, such a student also thinks about the applied strategies and modifies them on the basis of his/her success or failure.
关键词:Self-regulation;Learning;Students;Helping professions;Grounded theory;Focus group