摘要:AbstractSchool-Based Management (SBM) is features educational system in recent decades. SBM refers to increase of involvement of parents, students, teachers, officials, principals and beneficiary groups of the community and local organizations may increase the independency, responsibility and accountability of school. As a result, a key characteristic of SBM can be anticipated to improve student academic achievement and other school outcomes as these local community claims closer monitoring of school staff, better student appraisal, a closer match between the school's requirements and its policies, and a more effective use of resources. The purpose this research was a study of implementing School-Based Management in Iranian Education System.In this research, have been tried to review school-based management characteristics reviewed, through theoretical principles and methods of field study and library with Iranian education system is adapted. Also, this applied study is done on the basis of descriptive survey method.The findings of the research indicated that, for implementation of school-based management, indicators such as management of education system, curriculum, budget, educational content, the role of principals, teachers, educators, students and the other factors in Iran should be reconsidered.