摘要:AbstractThis exploratory study report findings on the profile of Malaysian young adults age 20 to 24, also known as the Generation Y and/or the Millennial generation, with special regard to their use of Internet and social media technologies. Data were collected from 379 youth from a public Malaysian university across six schools of studies in a Malaysian public research- based university: the Academy of Islamic Studies, School of Economics and Administration, School of Engineering, School of Education, School of Business and Accountancy, and School of Arts and Social Sciences. Findings indicate that the most preferred activities are online communication and socialization, followed on researching on specific information for the purpose of completing assignments, “how-to” and “do-it-yourself” information. The least preferred activity is buying things such as books and clothing online. Additionally the Academy of Islamic Studies students are more active in discussing political issues online compared to their peers from other schools. Data from this study will allow social researchers to utilize Internet and social media technologies for the teaching and learning activities.