摘要:AbstractThe research purpose is to gain information about how the teachers understand the term family. The aim of this contribution is to document the main ideas underlying the teacher's subjective definition of term family. The research was attended by 45 students of a combined form of pre-primary and primary education studies (age: 20 to 52). There were appeared 95 different terms used for a definition of the family that have been aggregated into 7 categories: social roles (including kinship relations and ancestry), emotions, responsibilities (including child welfare), being together, economics (housekeeping), leisure and care. Some students were able to include in the definition families without or with adopted children, extended family (such as grandmothers and grandfathers) or some non-traditional forms of family life – these definitions have occurred only rarely. Within the framework of teaching (there is a themeChild and the familyin the curriculum) we reveal some blind spots in understanding of family and we try to enrich student's concepts of family towards huge comprehension, a better orientation at the problematic and more open treatment of the subject for pupils. Teachers should be therefore able to explain the problematic in an acceptable, sensitive and, if possible, positive way.
关键词:Family;Implicite theory;Primary and preprimary education