摘要:AbstractLeadership of a company may be the only management concept that receives more attention than a company's strategy lately. But there's little unanimity on what strategic leadership [1] is and how it should best be encountered. Organizational leadership [2] has been defined as an interpersonal process for influencing individuals and groups to achieve organizational goals.That's where the strategic leadership comes in. In the ideal case, strategic leadership supplies a widely shared sense of long-term direction and a fascinating project that drives the company through all the important and difficult situations of constant change to achieve the desired aims. But when we see examples of organizational “excellence” - such as Apple, IBM, Xerox, and Zenith - to have overcome the difficulties of restructuring and rightsizing, we’re reminded how difficult it is to preserve strategic leadership.Strategic Leadership is even more difficult to implement in a non-profit entity [3] where there is no gain and all are based on volunteerism. In such non-profit organizations, we will try to apply Dynamic Simulation Model [4], in order to see the crucial role that strategic leadership plays. Multiple studies have been approached with the use of computational methods, as an effective way to illustrate their dynamic in the field of business strategy [5–19].