摘要:AbstractBefore the declaration of the economic crisis and the intervention of IMF in Greece, the Greek government decided to change the structure of public administration to the Greek geographic regions and peripheries. This paper attempts to analyze the management of this strategic change followed by the government and the public administration using as a tool the reactions of those employees who were affected directly by this change. In particular this paper examines the results of the eight steps proposed by Kotter on the implementation of a strategic change. The basic question of this research is to find out to what extend these steps were adopted by the top management as it is perceived by the public administrators who had to implement the change. Moreover we examined the possible relation of the use of the Kotter's steps with the level of acceptance of this strategic change and especially how the civil servants responded to this initiation to introduce strategic change. The results confirm that the Greek public administration has not still incorporated the management principles and remains a bureaucratic organization with limited use of vertical upward communication. The result of this context is the creation of a demotivated staff that is not willing to support changes and perceives changes with skepticism.