摘要:AbstractThe present study purposed to compare the sport injuries of child and youth gymnastic athletes via the data of Sport Medicine Federation Injury Surveillance System of Iran in 2009 and 2010. A retrospective analysis was conducted of the data for children and youth gymnastic athletes presented to the injury surveillance system in two years. Mann-WhitneyUtest was used with the significance level ofp< 0.05. There was a significant difference between children and youth injuries (p= 0.001). Boys’ and girls’ injuries were significantly different (p= 0.034), however, it was not significant between men and women (p= 0.894). Upper extremity was the most frequently injured body region in all age and sex groups except men. Forearm, elbow and wrist were the most frequently injured body parts. As a results, children are more susceptible to injury i n gymnastic in Iran. Thus, they should be paid attention more in preventive programs and measures.