摘要:Persons with aphasia (PWA) have been found to have differing patterns of attentional deficits (e.g.Murray, 2012); however, many studies examining attention in PWA have involved tasks that arelinguistic in nature and/or engage other aspects of cognition, thus potentially confounding theresults. Our aim was to examine attention in as pure a form as possible by using simple auditory andvisual stimuli and no alphanumeric symbols. We measured three types of attention: sustainedattention, focused attention, and attention to congruency. Additionally, as PWA have been observedto exhibit variability in language performance from day to day, we used repeated sampling in orderto examine attentional variability. We believe that a PWA’s ability to maintain consistent levels ofattention across multiple sessions may influence the extent to which s/he shows improvement in alanguage therapy program.