摘要:Retrieval of nouns and verbs is differentially impaired across the three PPA subtypes. In narrativespeech, patterns of lexical production (N:V ratios) show impaired production of nouns in thesemantic (PPA-S) and logopenic (PPA-L) subtypes and verbs in the agrammatic subtype (PPA-G;Thompson et al., 2012; Wilson et al., 2010). In addition, word-finding pauses are a prominentfeature of connected speech in PPA-L (Gomo-Tempini et al., 2008; Mesulam et al., 2012). Thepresent study investigated the distribution of pauses across lexical categories in narrative speech inthe three subtypes of PPA and age-matched cognitively healthy controls. We hypothesized thatword-finding pauses would coincide with lexical category deficits, reflecting underlying linguisticimpairments, whereas pauses due to other sources (e.g., motor planning) would be equallydistributed across lexical categories.