摘要:Recent studies on children with focal brain lesions (FL) have compared their performance to thatof typically developing (TD) children and examined potentials for rehabilitation (Marchman et al.2004). The present study examines the production of past tense for existing and novel verbs byGreek FL children in comparison to TD children matched on chronological age (CA) and addressesthe question of recoverability in linguistic abilities of children with FL.Greek distinguishes between a perfective and an imperfective past tense, as tense interacts withaspect (perfective vs. imperfective) (Holton et al., 1997). The imperfective past is formed with thepresent tense stem (e.g. graf -o, T write’; egraf -a, T was writing’) and thus it is morphologicallysimpler than the perfective one which can be either sigmatic (regular) with a segmentable affix (-S-),egrap-s-a ‘I wrote’, or non sigmatic (irregular), eplyn-a T washed’.