摘要:To speak is a deliberate action, and is therefore under cognitive control mechanisms. Behavioralstudies have shown that lexical selection and speech monitoring require central attentional resourcesthat are shared across cognitive functions (e.g., Ferreira and Paschler, 2002; Oomen and Postma,2002). Partly overlapping frontal regions associated with control mechanisms are necessary in lexicaland in non-lexical response selection (e.g., Nelson et al., 2009), and in speech and other actionmonitoring (Christoffels et al., 2007). However, the temporal dynamics of these control processes islargely unknown due to the major problem caused by articulation-related artifacts in temporallyresoluted studies of language production. Moreover, when and how these brain regions interact withthe rest of the brain is unclear. This is because brain imaging techniques providing both hightemporal resolution and reliable spatial information are scarce in the study of the human brain.