摘要:Thirty-eight people with aphasia (pwa) (age 62.1 + 13.0 years; education 14.9 ± 3.1 years; M:F =26:12) with single left hemisphere strokes were tested for the ability to understand 13 sentence types(Table 1) in a sentence-picture matching task (SPM) and object manipulation task (OM) and forimmediate serial recall (STM) using five tasks (Digit Span, Word Span; Span for PhonologicallySimilar Words; Span for Phonologically Dissimilar Words; Span for Long Words; Span for ShortWords.) and for working memory (WM) using four tasks (Alphabet Span, Backwards Digit Span,Subtract-2 Span, and Sentence Span). The ability to assign and interpret syntactic structureindependent of STM and WM ability was measured as the residual of the regression of STM or WMcomposite scores onto the difference in accuracy on sets of experimental and baseline sentencesassessing particular structures and elements (Table 2). Lesions were measured as percent of thecortical Rademacher parcellation units, as in Caplan et al (2007).